Business and finance
BTEC Tech Award Enterprise: Component 3 - 08, 09, 10: Market segmentation
Resources for the last three lessons of Component 3 - Learning Aim A.
There are x2 presentations, with the x6 associated worksheets, and a test for the end of the 10th lesson.
These resources are more than sufficient for three lessons. I am teaching alongside Component 2, so there are one or two references to link these, but nothing major that will detract if you are teaching them separately.
There are also very minor references to local businesses, but you can easily change these to businesses that are local to you.
Effectively this is a bundle - each of the document names are preceded with a number to help you identify which ones go with which lesson
Documents numbered 8 & 9 go with presentation 8, since I have now combined the presentation for 8&9 & updated the resource.
BTEC Tech Award Enterprise: Component 3 - 13: Costs, 14: Turnover & Profit, 15: Assets & Liabilities
Many resources here for three detailed lessons on the three topics listed.
Included here are detailed presentations, associated worksheet and tests.
In fact, there is even the test for the previous week’s topic (Methods of payment), because there is reference to it at the start of the Costs lesson - but feel free to discard that and delete that slide on the presentation.
There are lots of resources and I’ve named them with a number so that you can see which go together.
Some of the content has been re-recycled so many times from my various resources, that I know it includes bits inspired by other resources that were not originally created by me, but I have no idea any more where it came from! The only thing I’m certain of is the document called e-math book, which has the website on it and which I’m including because it can be filled in electronically, so it’s great for including on Google Classroom, if you use that - or a VLE/MLE. It’s also good practice, especially for lower ability students.
This set of resources lead in to lessons 16 and 17 on financial records (Statement of comprehensive income and Statement of financial position). I have grouped them into one package - do search for them too.
: )
BTEC Tech Award Enterprise: Component 3 - 12: Methods of payment
A number of resources are included for this lesson on methods of payment, including a detailed presentation and associated worksheet for taking notes; also a second worksheet for students to explain where and when to use different payment methods.
A test on methods of payment is included, even though it is designed for the start of next lesson.
I am including also the test for last lesson’s topic (financial records) because reference is made to it at the start of the presentation, but it does not form part of this lesson and you can choose to discard it and delete the slide that refers to it in the presentation.
Alternatively - get Component 3: Lesson 11 as well ; )
BTEC Tech Award Enterprise: Component 3 - 01: Promotional mix – methods and message
Detailed presentation and double-sided worksheet for this lesson.
BTEC Tech Award Enterprise: Component 1 - 21, 22 & 23: Understanding competitors
Here are the resources for lessons 21, 22 and 23 of this series - ‘Understanding competitors’. The THREE lessons cover:
21 - Price and quality
22 - Availability and USPs
23 - How products stand out
There are presentations, starters, worksheets, homeworks, self assessment…
Lesson 21 has a task that requires the students to compare two local SMEs, so I have uploaded editable documents so that you can change these to SMEs near to your OWN school.
Lesson 22 has a task that involves a number of local businesses, so I have uploaded the editable version of the list of company names for cutting up and putting ‘in the hat’ - you can change these to SMEs local to YOUR school.
Lesson 23 presentation makes references to two businesses local to our school (which I think have now both closed down anyhow!!) and a chocolatier which has also now closed down. I have therefore uploaded editable documents here too, so that you can change these to SMEs near to your OWN school. I will try to make time to replace these businesses with ones that are surviving for next academic year.
As with Learning Aim A, I am not uploading my practice assessment resources, because they are too heavily based on businesses local to our school, and not relevant to your students.
Hence, the next set of lesson resources in this series will be lessons 26 and 27.
BTEC Tech Award Enterprise: Component 3 - 03: Sales promotions
Lesson presentation, images for group activity and a worksheet for the third topic in Component 3.
BTEC Tech Award Enterprise: Component 3 - 02: Advertising methods
Lesson presentation and worksheet for second topic in Component 3.
BTEC Tech Award Enterprise: Component 3 - 06: Direct marketing
Resources for the sixth topic in Component 3.
Lesson presentation and two worksheets.
BTEC Tech Award Enterprise: Component 3 - 07: Types of market (B2B, B2C)
Resources for the seventh topic in Component 3.
Lesson presentation and two worksheets.
BTEC Tech Award Enterprise: Component 3 - 05: Public relations
Resources for the fifth topic of Component 3.
Lesson presentation and a selection of worksheets - probably sufficient for a double lesson.
BTEC Tech Award Enterprise: Component 3 - 04: Personal selling
Lesson presentation and worksheet for the fourth topic in Component 3.
BTEC Tech Award Enterprise: Component 1 - 28, 29 & 30: External factors that impact on costs
The presentation and worksheet for lesson 29 make reference to two businesses local to our school. The task works as is, but you may choose to change these to businesses that are nearer to your own school. The documents are editable for this.
BTEC Tech Award Enterprise: Component 1 - 19 & 20: Secondary research
Here are resources for two lessons in this series - 19 and 20 - ‘Secondary research’
Online research and company materials
Market reports and government reports
The homework task of lesson 20 is specific to the borough within which our school lies (Islington), so I have left the relevant documents editable, so that if you choose, you can change these to make them more relevant to the borough/county in which YOUR school lies.
BTEC Tech Award Enterprise: Component 1 - 17 & 18: Primary research
These resources are for TWO lessons: lessons 17 and 18 in the series.
Primary research - questionnaires and observations
Primry research - interviews, focus groups and surveys
For each there are presentations and worksheets.
Lesson 18 makes reference to a pizza restaurant local to our school, so I have uploaded editable documents so that you can change the business to one that is near YOUR school. If you have a pizza restaurant, all the better, but it could be any SME really.
The adjustments needed are only minor, if you feel you’d like to change the business.
Aims & Objectives ~ definitions & SMART targets
Worksheet suitable for starting off this topic.
(and it’s Time constrained - in case anyone is baffled ~ I couldn’t decide between timed, time bound, time constrained, etc !)
BTEC Tech Award Enterprise: Component 1 - 15: After-sales service & Linking products to customers
Here are the presentation and worksheets for the 15th lesson in this series - After-sales service & Linking products to customers.
The worksheet is editable because a part of it makes reference to businesses local to our school, so that you can change them to businesses that are nearer, or more relevant to your school.
BTEC Tech Award Enterprise: Component 1 - 16: Qualitative & quantitative market research
The 16th lesson in this series - Qualitative & quantitative market research.
Attached are the presentation and a number of other documents for a lesson that refers to data relevant to our borough (Islington).
I will add it to the series in any case, as you can either use it as it is, the theory is just the same after all, or you could amend the documents to make them relevant to your borough/county.
And lucky for you if you’re in Islington : )
Coursework Record for BTEC Business L2 Ext Cert
Excel spreadsheet for recording pupil coursework.
Business Size & Scale
Simple worksheet - maybe use as starter/research activity.
- quick starter/plenary resource